Our team first contact was in 2016 in the frames of a 5-year EU COST Action named “Advanced GNSS tropospheric products for monitoring severe weather events and climate” (GNSS4SWEC, 2012-2017). Through close interaction within this COST action, we realized the urgent need for denser GNSS tropospheric data to monitor extreme weather, particularly on regions sensitive to climate change.
A year later, we developed a research collaboration through our first EU-funded project, named “BalkanMed real time severe weather service” (BeRTISS*) which provides near-real time GNSS tropospheric data in the Balkan-Mediterranean region by using existing geodetic GNSS receivers.
In 2021, we founded CLOUDWATER which focuses on low-cost GNSS monitor development for near-real time GNSS tropospheric monitoring, aiming to provide a high-level technological and scientific solutions in the areas of GNSS Meteorology, Weather Prediction, Ionosphere and Troposphere Remote Sensing and GNSS Geodesy.

    *BeRTISS: BalkanMed real time severe weather service”
